Sun's Proportional Valves Enable Meter-in and Meter-out in Motion Control Circuits
Models FMDB and FMDA are Sun's new 2 position, 3-way electro-proportional meter-in throttling valves. These versatile cartridges can be configured into a variety of motion control circuits. Used in conjunction with counterbalance cartridges, powerful solutions utilizing two 3-way valves to create a 4-way circuit to achieve meter-in and meter-out control are possible.
Valve Details
FMDB and FMDA direct acting cartridges block the supply port (port 1) in the de-energized position while directing flow to tank via port 2 to port 3. No throttling is present in the 2 to 3 direction.
Creating 3 Position, 4-Way Circuits
New Electro-proportional Throttling Valves Shown to the right, two FMDB cartridges are used to create a 3 position, 4-way proportional valve with meter-in control. Line Mount: FMDBMCN912-U9A |
Benefits of this circuit arrangement include:
- Using separate meter-in devices allows system control gain to be optimized for differential cylinder flow requirements.
- All Sun standard coil and control options may be utilized.
Control with Counterbalance Cartridges In this example, two FMDB cartridges are used in series with two counterbalance valves where return flow takes place through the directional valve.
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- Separating the meter-in and meter-out control allows optimization of motion control solutions without having to create special spools.
- Leakage characteristics allow positive load locking.
- With FMDB only: Counterbalance valves provide full flow relief, dependant on the 2 to 3 flow capacity of the FMDB valve.
Meter-in, Meter-out Control in Sun's Cushion Lock Circuit Two FMDA cartridges can be used to create a 3 position, 4-way proportional valve with both meter-in and meter-out control, as shown in Sun's cushion lock circuit to the right.
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- Circuit flushing and replenishment from using the counterbalance valves in series along with anti-cavitation protection via the check valves.
- Improved resolution by using the FMDA cartridges and directing the return flow independently to tank.