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When Pressure Rises, Sun is there to Offer Relief
1月 13, 2025
Relief Valves Highlight
FLeX Series 3-way directional blocking poppet valves
12月 18, 2019
Extremely low-leakage poppet valves expand the FLeX family
T: 让您的系统更加灵活,让您的未来更加可期!
5月 01, 2019
T: 推出16款新型FLeX系列电磁换向阀
Why wait? Get Sun's FLeX valves & our new XMD drivers when you want them.
12月 14, 2018
Sun is able to ship any FLeX Series Valves and XMD Drivers in four weeks - or less if needed.
FleX系列电磁操纵阀新产品 ——让客户有更多选择
7月 17, 2018
Sun FLeX™系列电磁阀&线圈
10月 29, 2017
Sun FLeX™系列电磁阀&线圈
插孔节省™复合功能阀 简化你的液压方案
3月 23, 2016
Reduce cavities, cost and maintenance in your hydraulic systems
减小泄压 冲击 &购置成本
1月 29, 2016
7月 18, 2014
Series 4 PLUS Cartridges Offer Higher Flows with Lower Pressure Losses
5月 23, 2012
Series 4 PLUS cartridge valves with optimized cavities offer high flow performance - less than 100 psi (7 bar) pressure loss at 200 gpm (760 l/min) flow.
Manually Operated Directional Valves
5月 23, 2012
Manually operated directional valves are now available from Sun in a wide range of functional variations and flow capacities.
Pilot Controlled Directional Cartridges Technical Tips
5月 04, 2010
The purpose of this highlight is to announce the release of the "Pilot Controlled Directional Cartridges Tech Tips."
More Options for Logic Elements with Position Indicating Switch
2月 01, 2010
Logic valves are now offered in four different versions across three different sizes of valves.
Logic Element Cartridges Technical Tips
10月 16, 2009
The purpose of this highlight is to announce the release of the "Logic Element Cartridges Technical Tips."
Check Valves, Flow Control and Priority Flow Control Valves Technical Tips
1月 07, 2009
The purpose of this highlight is to announce the release of the "Check Valves, Flow Control and Priority Flow Control Valves Technical Tips".
Sun Introduces Additional Solenoid-Operated Pilot Valves
1月 04, 2007
Sun introduces models DAAL (T-8A cavity) and DBAL (T-9A cavity) solenoid-operated directional valves. These are 2-position, direct acting cartridges designed to pilot other full flow valves.
Take the Guesswork Out of Logic Circuits.
10月 02, 2002
un's 4-port balanced logic switching elements take the guesswork out of logic circuitry.