
Sun Hydraulics' pilot-to-open check cartridges are non-modulating, on-off devices used for holding a load or actuator in position. Sun pilot-to-open check cartridges can be directly integrated into your actuator or applied using manifolds with many mounting options.

  • Offer protection against hose breaks
  • Positively lock pressurized loads
  • Are available in non-vented (3-port) and vented (3- and 4-port) versions
  • Are physically interchangeable with counterbalance cartridges (same number of ports, same cavities, same flow path for a given frame size).
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简化符号 描述 型号 流量 插孔
先导打开单向阀 带标准导压 先导打开单向阀 带标准导压 CKBB 7.5 gpm30 L/min. T-163A
CKCB 15 gpm60 L/min. T-11A
CKEB 30 gpm120 L/min. T-2A
CKGB 60 gpm240 L/min. T-17A
CKIB 120 gpm480 L/min. T-19A
仪表盘安装形式 先导打开单向  阀 带 密封导压 仪表盘安装形式 先导打开单向 阀 带 密封导压 CKBG 7.5 gpm30 L/min. T-163A
先导打开单向阀 带密封导压 先导打开单向阀 带密封导压 CKBD 7.5 gpm30 L/min. T-163A
CKCD 15 gpm60 L/min. T-11A
CKED 30 gpm120 L/min. T-2A
CKGD 60 gpm240 L/min. T-17A
CKID 120 gpm480 L/min. T-19A
带外接口先导开启单向阀 带外接口先导开启单向阀 CVCV 15 gpm60 L/min. T-21A
CVEV 30 gpm120 L/min. T-22A
CVGV 60 gpm240 L/min. T-23A
CVIV 120 gpm480 L/min. T-24A
先导打开单向阀 带旁路阻尼孔 先导打开单向阀 带旁路阻尼孔 CNCE 15 gpm60 L/min. T-11A
CNEE 30 gpm120 L/min. T-2A
CNGE 60 gpm240 L/min. T-17A
带外接口先导开启单向阀 - 大气参考 带外接口先导开启单向阀 - 大气参考 CKCV 15 gpm60 L/min. T-11A
CKEV 30 gpm120 L/min. T-2A
CKGV 60 gpm240 L/min. T-17A
CKIV 120 gpm480 L/min. T-19A
导压比5:1 , 先导打开单向  阀 带 密封导压 导压比5:1 , 先导打开单向 阀 带 密封导压 CKCS 15 gpm60 L/min. T-11A
导压比5:1 , 先导打开单向  阀 带 标准导压 导压比5:1 , 先导打开单向 阀 带 标准导压 CKCR 15 gpm60 L/min. T-11A
简化符号 描述 型号 流量 插孔
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