2通, 软切换, 电磁滑阀换向阀

Symbols for DLDAS

- 软切换阀与标准阀可替换,但是流通能力降低。
- 软切换特性可极大地减少阀驱动时候带来的冲击,但是不宜用在计时很关键的应用中。如果需要精确的斜坡上升或计时控制,请考虑使用Sun的电比例阀。
- 此软切换特性将比Sun的标准电磁阀显著增加响应时间。响应时间取决于流量,压力,线圈电压,油液粘度和周围的温度。典型响应时间范围为150ms到300ms。
- 为了获得一致的软切换特性,口1应该有正压力。
- 此阀带有推式手动重载选项。其它手动控制选项例如T或D,不能和软切换控制一起订购,但是在现场可被很容易地安装。见上面旋转/锁紧手动重载链接以获得详细介绍。请注意:风雨线圈不兼容手动重载功能。
- 电磁铁组件的疲劳耐压等级为5000 psi (350 bar)。
- 配置EPDM密封圈的插装阀可用在磷酸酯液压油系统。暴露在石油基液压油或润滑油脂中会损坏密封圈。
- 此阀采用湿式衔铁线圈设计。这意味着衔铁周围的工作流体介质将曝露在线圈所产生热场中。如果线圈长时间通电,这将是一个影响因素。一些液体,特别是水/乙二醇混合物,会在长时间高温下分解并形成凡立水,而这将会影响阀的功能。
- 线圈的独特电磁设计使电磁阀有更高的效率,单位瓦特产生高的阀芯驱动力,从而使阀有可靠的切换。
- 线圈接头等级可提供至IP69K。请见单个线圈产品的详细产品说明。额外的风雨线圈和工具包可提供更完善的环境防护。
- 利用Sun浮动结构减少由于过量安装扭矩或插孔/插装阀加工误差带来的内部零件粘结的可能性。
插孔 | T-13A |
系列 | 1 |
通流能力 | 7.5 gpm30 L/min. |
最大操作压力 | 5000 psi350 bar |
110 SUS (24 cSt)下的最大泄漏 | 5 in³/min.@3000 psi80 cc/min.@210 bar |
手动紧急操作需要的力 | 5 lbs/1000 psi @ Port 133 N/100 bar @ Port 1 |
手动紧急操作动作行程 | .10 in.2,5 mm |
衔铁直径 | .75 in.19 mm |
阀头部安装六角尺寸 | 7/8 in.22,2 mm |
阀安装扭矩 | 30 - 35 lbf ft41 - 47 Nm |
型号重量 | .50 lb0,25 kg |
Seal kit - Cartridge | Buna: 990413007 |
Seal kit - Cartridge | EPDM: 990413014 |
Seal kit - Cartridge | Viton: 990413006 |
There are exactly 250 Sun drops in a cubic inch or 15 in a cc.
Direct acting valves are used to prevent over pressure and pilot operated valves are used to regulate pressure. If you are unsure, use a direct acting valve. Sun's direct acting valves are very fast, dirt tolerant, stable, and robust. Sun's pilot operated valves are moderately fast, they have a low pressure rise vs. flow curve, and they are easy to adjust.
In many circuits the directional cartridge is set to shift at a low pressure no matter how high the pilot pressure goes. If you use a DP__ , the pilot flow increases to significant amounts. A DR__ however will only consume a small amount of flow. A DP__ is useful when you want to block or open the pilot flow to shift the valve.
- 当选择Sun阀块时,请检查插装阀的间隙要求。不同的阀控制方式以及线圈要求的间隙不一样。
- 在阀的最大尺寸之外需增加额外的2.00 inches (50,8 mm),以进行线圈的安装和移除。
- Sun FLeX™系列电磁阀&线圈
- Pilot Controlled Directional Cartridges Technical Tips
- Sun推出抗腐蚀产品解决方案
- Another Optimized Solution from Sun Hydraulics!
- Manually Operated Directional Valves
- Get the relief you need. Adjustable. Ventable. Blockable. FLeX-ible.
- 大流量电磁阀
- QuickDesign with SmartConnect Offers Drag-and-Drop Schematic Tool
- Sun’s High Flow 2-Way Solenoid Operated Valves
- Solenoid Operated Directional Valves Technical Tips
- T: 让您的系统更加灵活,让您的未来更加可期!
- Sun Cartridges with EPDM Seals
- 使用AmpSet Blue™来设置您的内置蓝牙式放大器
- Sun Introduces Additional Solenoid-Operated Pilot Valves
- When Pressure Rises, Sun is there to Offer Relief
- 使用智能手机对安装在难以触及位置上的阀进行设置
- Weatherized Solenoid Valves for Harsh Environments
- Sun’s Cartridge Symbol Library
- Sun插装阀插孔 (551.8 KB)
- 电磁换向阀/比例换向阀的电磁线圈 (609.43 KB)
- 电磁换向阀 (1.08 MB(兆))
- 先导控制换向阀 (754.75 KB)
- 先导操作插装换向阀 (782.57 KB)
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