外接口控制, 先导式, 平衡滑阀 溢流主级 带集成T-8A控制插孔 和 口4外泄

- 可在口2接受最大压力;适合应用在交叉端口的溢流油路中。
- 主级的阻尼孔被150微米的不锈钢滤网保护。
- 因为滑阀的泄漏,不适合使用在负载锁紧应用中。
- 口4处的压力直接以1:1的比例增加到阀的设定值上,口4处的压力不能超出5000 psi(350 bar)。
- 注意:带-8控制选项,应首先用正确的扭矩安装主级阀。然后用合适的扭矩将T-8A先导级控制阀安装进主级阀中。
- -8控制类型允许通过T-8A插孔将先导级控制阀直接旋进溢流阀的顶部。这些先导级控制阀需单独采购并包括电比例,电磁,气控先导,液控先导操作。请参照先导级控制阀。
- 配置EPDM密封圈的插装阀可用在磷酸酯液压油系统。暴露在石油基液压油或润滑油脂中会损坏密封圈。
- 利用Sun浮动结构减少由于过量安装扭矩或插孔/插装阀加工误差带来的内部零件粘结的可能性。
插孔 | T-23A |
系列 | 3 |
通流能力 | 60 gpm240 L/min. |
最大操作压力 | 5000 psi350 bar |
控制先导流量 | 15 - 20 in³/min.0,25 - 0,33 L/min. |
先导控制孔型 | T-8AT-8A |
在110 SUS(24 cSt)粘度下,主级泄漏 | 4 in³/min.@1000 psi65 cc/min.@70 bar |
额定响应时间 | 10 ms10 ms |
阀头部安装六角尺寸 | 1 1/4 in.31,8 mm |
阀安装扭矩 | 150 - 160 lbf ft203 - 217 Nm |
型号重量 | 1.60 lb0,70 kg |
Seal kit - Cartridge | Buna: 990023007 |
Seal kit - Cartridge | EPDM: 990023014 |
Seal kit - Cartridge | Polyurethane: 990023002 |
Seal kit - Cartridge | Viton: 990023006 |
Direct acting valves are used to prevent over pressure and pilot operated valves are used to regulate pressure. If you are unsure, use a direct acting valve. Sun's direct acting valves are very fast, dirt tolerant, stable, and robust. Sun's pilot operated valves are moderately fast, they have a low pressure rise vs. flow curve, and they are easy to adjust.
The kick-down relief acts much like a circuit breaker. When the pressure at the inlet (port 1) of the relief valve rises to the setting, the valve pops open and drops the pressure down to 100 psi or so. The valve stays open until flow through it stops. Shutting off the supply of oil will reset the valve; reversing pressure on the valve is a positive way of resetting it.
One graphic example is on a portable grain auger for silos. When the farmer gets caught in the auger the kick-down relief trips and allows him to escape.
There are exactly 250 Sun drops in a cubic inch or 15 in a cc.
Maybe not. We build in a good amount of overlap in the kick-down reliefs to prevent false tripping. This means they are not as fast as our standard pilot operated reliefs. A direct-acting relief valve set just above the kick-down relief valve would be good insurance.
- 组合插装阀(先导级和主级)集成块的信息仅供参考。插装阀必须单独订购并在使用时进行装配。
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- Get the relief you need. Adjustable. Ventable. Blockable. FLeX-ible.
- Pressure Relief and Regulating Cartridge Valve Technical Tips
- QuickDesign with SmartConnect Offers Drag-and-Drop Schematic Tool
- Sun推出抗腐蚀产品解决方案
- Sun Cartridges with EPDM Seals
- Another Optimized Solution from Sun Hydraulics!
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- RDDT / RDFT- CE/TÜV 认证压力溢流阀
- 'Soft' Relief Eliminates Pressure Spikes
- 经过原厂设定的电液控制方案,开箱即用
- 先导控制,平衡式锥阀芯 ,防冲击溢流阀
- Sun FLeX™系列电磁阀&线圈
- Solenoid Operated Ventable Relief Packages
- Weatherized Solenoid Valves for Harsh Environments
- Sun’s Cartridge Symbol Library
- 使用AmpSet Blue™来设置您的内置蓝牙式放大器
- 压力溢流和调节阀 (825.91 KB)
- Technical Tips for Proportional Amplifiers and Ancillary Products (2.4 MB(兆))
- Sun插装阀插孔 (551.8 KB)
- 电磁换向阀/比例换向阀的电磁线圈 (609.43 KB)
- 电比例插装阀 (1.47 MB(兆))
- Electro-Proportional Cartridge Valves (1.28 MB(兆))