电比例, 直动式, 减压/溢流阀 带开式过渡位

Symbols for PRDL

- 口3处最大压力不能超过3000 psi (210 bar)。
- 口3处的压力直接以1:1的比例增加到阀的设定值上,且压力不能超出3000 psi(210 bar)。
- 减压到溢流为微开的过渡位,因此此阀具有良好的压力控制性能,油液的消耗速率为0.1 gpm(0,4 L/分钟。)。
- 为了达到最佳性能,需要使用带电流传感和可调震颤的放大器。震颤需在100-250 HZ间可调。
- 直动式作用的概念在受污染系统中可提供更高的可靠性操作,特别是在闭死情况下。
- 从减压压力口(口1)到进口(口2)的反向液流可能导致主阀芯关闭。如果油路中需要反向自由流,可以考虑在油路中加入单向阀。
- 所有3口减压阀和减压/溢流阀在尺寸上可互换(如:给定的外形结构尺寸阀拥有相同的流道,相同的插孔)。考虑安装配置时,减压/溢流阀的回油路(口3)最好具有公称流量能力。
- 注意:当用M控制时,最高压力设定不受限。施加更大的力到手动重载,就会获得更高的压力设定。
- 这种“E”人工控制的装置大约有7000次的机械寿命
- 瞬时/旋转重载选项“E”允许操作者顺时针旋转手动重载装置90度以切换阀。
- 配置EPDM密封圈的插装阀可用在磷酸酯液压油系统。暴露在石油基液压油或润滑油脂中会损坏密封圈。
- “L和K”手动螺杆调节用途包括:停电期间阀门紧急设置或者选择性地提高阀的设定。
- 用“L和K”调节螺杆,所有范围出厂设置为零(螺杆完全旋出)。线圈失电,顺时针调节螺杆会增加弹簧偏置力并加到此范围的最大设定上。线圈得电,任何机械压力设定将直接累加到由线圈产生的设定值上。
- 利用Sun浮动结构减少由于过量安装扭矩或插孔/插装阀加工误差带来的内部零件粘结的可能性。
滞环(在颤振作用下) | 6%6% |
直流驱动下滞环 | <8%<8% |
线性度(在颤振作用下) | <2%<2% |
重复精度(带颤振) | <2%<2% |
推荐颤振频率 | 140 Hz140 Hz |
插孔 | T-11A |
系列 | 1 |
通流能力 | 5 gpm20 L/min. |
最大操作压力 | 5000 psi350 bar |
110 SUS (24 cSt)下的最大泄漏 | 20 in³/min.330 cc/min. |
调节 - 从最小设定到最大设定的顺时针圈数 | 55 |
衔铁直径 | .75 in.19 mm |
阀头部安装六角尺寸 | 7/8 in.22,2 mm |
阀安装扭矩 | 30 - 35 lbf ft41 - 47 Nm |
调节螺栓的内六角尺寸 | 5/32 in.4 mm |
锁紧螺母六角尺寸 | 9/16 in.15 mm |
锁紧螺母力矩 | 80 - 90 lbf in.9 - 10 Nm |
型号重量(带线圈) | 1.20 lb0,55 kg |
Seal and nut kit - Coil | Viton: 990770006 |
Seal kit - Cartridge | Buna: 990511007 |
Seal kit - Cartridge | Viton: 990511006 |
No. A reducing/relieving valve throttles a supply of oil to maintain a set pressure in a secondary circuit. The valve is open until the secondary or downstream pressure rises to the setting of the valve at which time it starts to close to limit the pressure. If the secondary or downstream pressure is caused to go above the setting, the valve shifts into relieving mode and throttles the secondary circuit back to tank to prevent over-pressure. At no time can the valve connect the supply to tank.
There are exactly 250 Sun drops in a cubic inch or 15 in a cc.
Direct acting valves are used to prevent over pressure and pilot operated valves are used to regulate pressure. If you are unsure, use a direct acting valve. Sun's direct acting valves are very fast, dirt tolerant, stable, and robust. Sun's pilot operated valves are moderately fast, they have a low pressure rise vs. flow curve, and they are easy to adjust.
Yes. A reducing or reducing/relieving valve is normally open. If the pressure in the secondary circuit is less than the setting, it will be open.
2 caveats: (1) If the valve is in the reducing mode and you suddenly reverse the flow, the valve will not have time to open and will shift into relieving mode or (2) If the back flow generates a pressure drop through the valve that exceeds the setting, the valve will shift into the relieving mode.
When in doubt, use a reverse flow check.
Yes. If you look in the sandwich section you will see that we offer many such packages. When you are pressurizing B, A is connected to tank, allowing the reducer to do its job. When you reverse, the drain or tank port of the reducer is pressurized by A. This increases the setting of the reducer and helps keep the reducer open in the reverse flow direction.
Our reducing valves are outside-in valves; the supply pressure on the outside of the working parts is higher than the inside. At some pressure differential, the outside (sleeve) will close in on the piston and cause the valve to stick. A D range is adjustable from 25 to 800 psi with a maximum differential of 2000 psi. This means you could set the valve at 600 psi and expect it to work correctly with a supply pressure of 2600 psi. The valve may work at higher differentials, but we do not recommend it. The W and C ranges are tested over their entire range with an inlet pressure of 5000 psi. All direct-acting valves are tested with an inlet pressure of 5000 psi.
- 当选择Sun阀块时,请检查插装阀的间隙要求。不同的阀控制方式以及线圈要求的间隙不一样。
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- Cavity Information (S-171) and Tooling
- 插装阀:结构材料
- Sun的浮动式螺纹插装阀 (710.21 KB)
- 推荐液压油及工作温度
- 计量,设定的单位及换算
- 性能数据
- Sun 产品编码; 999-901-334-ZH (582.27 KB)
- Electro-Hydraulic Terms and Definitions (2.94 MB(兆))
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