中位关闭, 分流-集流阀

流量: 3 - 15 gpm12 - 60 L/min. | 插孔: T-32A
FSDA : 中位关闭, 分流-集流阀
技术特性 [ + ]


  • 所有的分流阀和分流/集流阀结构上都是可以相互替换的。(对同样的规格情况下,他们是相同流量路径相同孔型)
  • 根据阀的特性,在分流模式下,较大负载侧分得较大流量。如果把执行器用刚性结构连一起,先动的执行器将会带动后动的一起,从而产生空穴现象。
  • 在集流模式下,补偿特性将会使低负载油路接收到更多的流量。如果没有采用同步方案,执行器将会有累积误差。
  • 在多执行器刚性连接结构的使用中,运行误差将最终促使系统锁死。如果机械结构并没有将运行误差考虑进去的话,将会发生损害事故。
  • 在马达回路中,将马达固定一起的刚性结构,以此保证马达同步的结构,无论是路面的车轮还是输送机链轮,都会产生空穴,锁定或者压力激增的现象。
  • 速度的变化以及锁死可能原因有:马达动作的不一致,马达泄漏,轮胎直径的变化以及轮胎和地面摩擦力。
  • 外部压力的激增会发生在多轮驱动的系统中。
  • 各个油口之间的油液流动被限制为滑阀泄漏。这使得此阀不能够用于负载保持,但在减小交叉流动以及防止漂移方面会有益。
  • 分流和集流的精度是相等的
  • 当流量低于最小流量时,将没有足够的流量使得阀内部进行调节。这时实际作用就是一三通。如果流量从0开始上升,直到最小流量等级时,才会有分流合流控制作用显现。
  • 配置EPDM的插装阀用于磷酸酯油液压系统。若暴露在石油基液压油脂中会损坏密封件。
  • Sun浮动式的结构可以最大限度地减少由于过大的安装扭矩以及孔型加工的误差所造成的干涉现象
技术数据 [ + ]
插孔 T-32A
系列 2
通流能力 3 - 15 gpm12 - 60 L/min.
最大操作压力 5000 psi350 bar
最小流量输入下的分流精度 50% ±4.5%50% ±4.5%
最大流量输入下的分流精度 50% ±2.5%50% ±2.5%
最小输入流量情况下的压降 30 psi2 bar
最大输入流量情况下的压降 350 psi24 bar
阀头部安装六角尺寸 1 1/8 in.28,6 mm
阀安装扭矩 45 - 50 lbf ft61 - 68 Nm
型号重量 .60 lb0,30 kg
Seal kit - Cartridge Buna: 990032007
Seal kit - Cartridge EPDM: 990032014
Seal kit - Cartridge Polyurethane: 990032002
Seal kit - Cartridge Viton: 990032006
性能曲线 [ + ]
常见问题 [ + ]

We test every cartridge in 16 modes. High pressure, low pressure, high flow, low flow, divide, and combine.....both legs. What you are probably seeing is the error that occurs as the flow is ramping up to the minimum rated flow. Below the minimum rated flow the valve does not see enough flow to operate correctly.

We eliminated the hooks. We have a 1 piece spool.

The divider/combiner is an FSDH XAN. Input flow is 15 gpm (57 L/min.). This example depicts orifices that slip about 3 gpm (12 L/min.) at 3000 psi (210 bar) pressure differential between legs. The slip conditions between the 2 examples are the same...please be assured of this. Each orifice on the right is twice the area of the orifice on the left.

FAQ 2 slip orifices
The pressure drop through the left example is 200 psi (14 bar), the drop through the right example is 130 psi (9 bar).

No. Almost all of the error percentage we publish is due to flow forces. Even with a mechanically perfect valve you would see most of the variation.

With a typical steered axle application the outside wheels go 15% to 20% farther than the inside wheels. As to how big your slip orifices need to be, there is no correct answer and you are the one that needs to make the compromise. If they are too big you will not have the traction you need at low speeds and if they are too small you will not be able to turn at higher speeds.

Absolutely not. The bell curve does not apply here. In the dividing mode the high pressure leg gets the higher flow and in the combining mode the high pressure leg is the lower flow......every time. The inaccuracies are always there and they accumulate. The high pressure leg goes up farther and comes down less, every time.

There are exactly 250 Sun drops in a cubic inch or 15 in a cc.

It is a static error correction feature. When any one of the 3 ports of a divider/combiner with the synchronizing feature is blocked, flow is possible between the other 2 ports. This "synchronizing" flow is called out in the performance chart and is pressure compensated.

When the leading actuator comes to a stop, the other actuator can catch up at a rate determined by the "synchronizing" flow.

When the actuators are stopped mid-stroke (port 3 blocked), oil can flow from the high pressure leg to the low pressure leg at a rate determined by the "synchronizing" flow.

The "synchronizing" flow does not exist until one port is blocked.

The "synchronizing" feature is most effective on applications where the actuators bottom out at at least one end of their strokes.

No. Synchronizing 2 cylinders hydraulically is a real problem. A real problem is one which has no solution. Our valves with the synchronizing feature don't synchronize, they provide an error correction at each end of the stroke when the leading cylinder bottoms out. Another means of error correction is cross-port reliefs.

Only external seals are serviceable.  Sun offers replacement seal kits for all cartridge models. The applicable kit part number can be found in the product page's Technical Data table or by using our Cartridge Seal Kit search function located under Accessories. Please note: Converting the external seals from one material to another does not ensure fluid compatibility with that material due to the existence of internal seals within the cartridge.
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