3位4通, 电磁滑阀换向阀, 3600 psi (250 bar) - 通用孔型
流量: 7 gpm28 L/min. |
插孔: SC-10-04
Symbols for DNUC








技术特性 [ + ]
- 1口的最大工作压力为1000 psi (70 bar),其他口的最大工作压力为3600 psi (250 bar)。
- 此阀可被直接驱动且不需要最小液压操作压力。
- 该阀提供手动操控选项(T控制)。该选项的1口最大工作压力为1000 psi (70 bar),可以带压操作。将操作杆往插孔反方向旋转时,将会接通3口到4口,以及2口到1口。将操作杆朝着插孔方向旋转时,将会接通3口到2口,以及4口到1口。
- 该手动操控选项包含两个安装螺栓,此安装螺栓将手动操控机械部件通过阀块上的安装孔固定在阀上。对于安装孔,参照任一带SC-10-04插孔的SUN标准阀块产品页 (比如: JPA).
- 线圈接头选项提供最高IP67的防护等级。详见线圈产品页面。
- 该阀安装力矩应当为30 lbf ft (40 Nm)以获得最佳性能。
- 此阀采用湿式衔铁线圈设计。这意味着衔铁周围的工作流体介质将曝露在线圈所产生热场中。如果线圈长时间通电,这将是一个影响因素。一些液体,特别是水/乙二醇混合物,会在长时间高温下分解并形成凡立水,而这将会影响阀的功能。
- 线圈可以双向安装到螺线管上。
技术数据 [ + ]
插孔 | SC-10-04 |
系列 | 1C |
通流能力 | 7 gpm28 L/min. |
最大操作压力 | 3600 psi250 bar |
典型阀泄漏,在110 SUS (24 cSt) | 11 in³/min.@3600 psi180 cc/min.@250 bar |
额定响应时间 | 50 ms50 ms |
切换频率 | 15,000 max. cycles/hr15,000 max. cycles/hr |
衔铁直径 | .75 in.19 mm |
阀头部安装六角尺寸 | 27 mm27 mm |
线圈锁紧螺母扭矩 | 3.5 - 3.9 lbf ft4,8 - 5,3 Nm |
阀安装扭矩 | 28 - 32 lbf ft38 - 43 Nm |
性能曲线 [ + ]
常见问题 [ + ]
There are exactly 250 Sun drops in a cubic inch or 15 in a cc.
Direct acting valves are used to prevent over pressure and pilot operated valves are used to regulate pressure. If you are unsure, use a direct acting valve. Sun's direct acting valves are very fast, dirt tolerant, stable, and robust. Sun's pilot operated valves are moderately fast, they have a low pressure rise vs. flow curve, and they are easy to adjust.
Only external seals are serviceable. Sun offers replacement seal kits for all cartridge models. The applicable kit part number can be found in the product page's Technical Data table or by using our Cartridge Seal Kit search function located under Accessories. Please note: Converting the external seals from one material to another does not ensure fluid compatibility with that material due to the existence of internal seals within the cartridge.
Related Accessories [ + ]
额外来源 [ + ]
- Sun推出抗腐蚀产品解决方案
- Manually Operated Directional Valves
- T: 让您的系统更加灵活,让您的未来更加可期!
- Sun Cartridges with EPDM Seals
- Sun FLeX™系列电磁阀&线圈
- Solenoid Operated Directional Valves Technical Tips
- Pilot Controlled Directional Cartridges Technical Tips
- Get the relief you need. Adjustable. Ventable. Blockable. FLeX-ible.
- 先导操作式换向阀和比例节流阀
- Another Optimized Solution from Sun Hydraulics!
- QuickDesign with SmartConnect Offers Drag-and-Drop Schematic Tool
- Weatherized Solenoid Valves for Harsh Environments
- Sun’s Cartridge Symbol Library
- 使用AmpSet Blue™来设置您的内置蓝牙式放大器
- Sun Introduces Additional Solenoid-Operated Pilot Valves
- 使用智能手机对安装在难以触及位置上的阀进行设置
- 电磁换向阀/比例换向阀的电磁线圈 (609.43 KB)
- 电磁换向阀 (1.08 MB(兆))
- Sun插装阀插孔 (551.8 KB)
- 先导控制换向阀 (754.75 KB)
- 先导操作插装换向阀 (782.57 KB)
Coil Information [ + ]
No coil selected.