Market Speak

Application Case Studies

MS_Lightning Hybrids

Hydraulic Hybrid Innovator Uses Sun Solutions 
Lightning Hybrids wanted to commercialize hydraulic hybrid systems for vehicles, while keeping them cost-effective and providing a return on investment.

MS_Hedweld Tire Handler

Big Tires: Intelligent Control with Sun Solutions
How do you design a giant tire handler to work within the confines of a standard workshop bay?


Railway Maintenance: Sun Keeps Things Moving 
Moving freight by train is big business. So how do you make sure the trains continue to run reliably and safely?

MS_Chatham Dockyards

Precision Move: 800-Ton Dockyard Gate
When major repair work and updating was needed for the four 800-ton dockyard gates at the Chatham Dockyard in UK, the dockyard owners called in the electro-hydraulic experts.