Bobina 12 VDC con integrado proporcional infrarrojo amplificador , comando de voltaje

Technical Features [ + ]
The Embedded Electronics Amplifier is a compact, low profile coil/controller combination for use with proportional solenoid valves. The Amplifier provides current to the coil in proportion to an input signal. Bright LED indicators on the unit provide an overview of the operating status. Setup is accomplished through Sun's Amplifier Set Up Software or the Hand Held Programmer (HHP). There is no cover to remove and no tiny pots to set. Once configured, the settings are stored in permanent memory within the unit.
- Easily configured using Sun's Amplifier Set Up Software or the Hand Held Programmer.
- LED indication of Status and Output Current
- Selectable dither frequency up to 300 Hz including OFF. Sun's recommended dither frequency is 140 Hz.
- Adjustable current limited output with short circuit protection
- 5 Volt reference for potentiometer/joystick controls
- Multiple modes for analog or 2-speed control
- Programmable enable input
- All input and output limits are independently adjustable
- Adjustable ramp up and ramp down times, independently set
- Microprocessor controlled for consistent, reliable performance
- Deutsch DT04-6P Connector, IP69K rated
- Separate supply and command common
- Glass filled nylon enclosure with Lexan light pipes and polyurethane potting compound
- The coil is magnetically symmetrical and can be mounted in either direction on the solenoid tube without affecting performance.
- Power cable with mating connector is required and is not included with product.
- CE approved - See CE Testing Results and Explanation, document number 999-991-260, for details
Technical Data [ + ]
Supply Voltage | Equals coil voltage within +/-10%Equals coil voltage within +/-10% |
Supply Current | I(sol) + 20mAI(sol) + 20mA |
Output Current | 1200 mA1200 mA |
Dither Frequency | Off, 80-300 Hz, in 20 Hz incrementsOff, 80-300 Hz, in 20 Hz increments |
Ramp Time | 0-120.0 s, 0.5 s increments0-120.0 s, 0.5 s increments |
Reference Voltage | +5V at 1mA+5V at 1mA |
Operating Temperature Range | -20 to 70 °C-20 to 70 °C |
Analog Input Range | 0-10V0-10V |
Analog Input Impedance | 13 Kilo-ohms13 Kilo-ohms |
Card Function | All OptionsAll Options |
Voltage/Frequency | 12 VDC12 VDC |
conector | Deutsch DT04-6PDeutsch DT04-6P |
Used With [ + ]
What models can this kit be used with?
- FMDA Electro-proporcional 3-vías control de caudal válvula , alimentación regulada
- FMDB Electro-proporcional 3-vías control de caudal válvula , alimentación regulada
- FPCC Electro-proporcional control de caudal válvula - normalmente cerrado
- FPCH Electro-proporcional control de caudal válvula - normalmente abierto
- FPFK Pilot-operated, normalmente cerrado, electro-proporcional estrangulación con anti-retorno de caudal inverso
- FPHK Pilot-operated, normalmente cerrado, electro-proporcional estrangulación con anti-retorno de caudal inverso
- PRDLElectro-proporcional , acción-directa , reductor/alivio de presión válvula con transición abierta
- PRDM Electro-proporcional , acción-directa , reductor/alivio de presión válvula con transición abierta - ajuste a alta presión sin comando
- PRDN Electro-proporcional , acción-directa , reductor/alivio de presión válvula , ajuste a alta presión sin comando
- PRDPElectro-proporcional , acción-directa , reductor/alivio de presión válvula
- PSDL Electro-proporcional , acción-directa , reductor/alivio de presión válvula con transición abierta y drenaje al puerto 4
- PSDP Electro-proporcional , acción-directa , reductor/alivio de presión válvula con drenaje al puerto 4
- RBAN Electro-proporcional alivio válvula - capacidad de pilotaje, ajuste a alta presión sin comando
- RBAP Electro-proporcional alivio válvula - capacidad de pilotaje
- 991700Programador portátil
- 991702 Infrarrojo adaptador
- 991704 USB infrarrojo adaptador
- 991706003 Deutsch DT06-6S ensamblaje
- 991706006 Deutsch DT06-6S ensamblaje
Notes [ + ]
- A source type input is required. A sinking type analog input will damage the amplifier.
Additional Resources [ + ]
Technical Tips
Technical Information
- Electro-Hydraulic Terms and Definitions (2.94 MB)
- Environmental Test Specification for Electrical and Electronic Co (254.61 KB)
- Sun's Floating Style Screw-In Cartridge (1.06 MB)
- CE Testing Results and Explanation; 999-991-260 (51.97 KB)
- CE Declaration of Conformity - XMD 12-2017 (133.69 KB)